Would you like to try the chicken from the tube?

chicken tube

Would you like to try the chicken from the tube?

Considering that the lack of food for the growing population is increasing problem on planet Earth, it is not surprising that scientists are trying to overcome the production of meat in the laboratory conditions.

Memphis Meats, startup from San Francisco, is one of biotechnology companies which attempt to produce and commercialize in vitro meat production. The scientists cultured regenerative cells taken from the chicken in a sugar and mineral solution and placed them in bioreactor tanks. In this way, they produced the meat from a chicken cell in the laboratory conditions, without killing the animals. It is interesting that such meat produced has the same flavor, texture and even the nutritional properties of regular meat.

Many believe this is a major technological achievement and emphasize that the production of meat in laboratory conditions could have major ethical and ecological implications. This production does not require breeding and killing animals, and it would significantly reduce the water consumption and carbon dioxide emission which is known to causes the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere.

What do you think about this?

Source: http://bit.ly/2prcPJc