WIPO Patent Drafting Training Program

WIPO Patent Drafting Training Program

World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO is organizing International Patent Drafting Training Program, in cooperation with the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys – FICPI.

The Training Program will last from March 20 to November 30, 2022, and consists of online thematic workshops, as well as a one-week workshop that will be held at the World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva.

The Program is intended for anyone who has a professional or commercial interest in patents and who wants to improve the skills of patent application in various technical fields. The Program itself is focused on mentoring and connecting with top experts in patenting, acquiring technical skills, and sharing practical experience regarding the specifics of presenting an invention in a patent application, so that it meets all important criteria.

All conditions for application, including the candidate’s profile, as well as the application form, can be found on the page: https://welc.wipo.int/ipdtp/

Applications are open until January 31.