This computer will give its life for your data

This computer will give its life for your data

At the time when the internet has become a big part of our lives, privacy and protection of data on the network are the topics that people are most interested in. So, it does not surprise us that on the market will soon emerge computer which has, other than regular software safety options, an option to destroy itself if somebody tries to hack into it physically.

It features a special key fob (a small piece of hardware with a built-in authentication which is used to run and secure the access to web services and data) with an NFC support, which verifies whether the user is authorized to access the computer. When the key fob is out of range, the computer automatically locks all the USB ports.

The PC very successfully counters attempts at physical hacking by detecting changes in the electrical components even when it is turned off. If it notices that somebody is planning to physically hack the device, it permanently deletes the encryption key, which means that the hacker cannot access the data stored in it.
