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Faculty of Chemistry
Chair of Chemical Education
Scientific field (Frascati Manual)
Education, general - including training, pedagogy, didactics
Brief description of expertise
Chemistry education, Pre-service chemistry teacher training, In-service chemistry teacher training
Chemistry curricula, teaching/learning methods, chemistry learning outcomes and standards, pre-service chemistry teacher training, in-service chemistry teacher training, chemistry textbook
Realized and current projects
TitleProject IDFunding sourceDuration
Theory and Practice of Science in Society: multidisciplinary, educational and intergenerational perspective179048Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia2011-2015
From Encouraging Initiative, Cooperation and Creativity in Education to New Roles and Identities in Society179034Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia2011-2015
Chemistry Education and History of Science and Chemistry Education in Serbia149028GMinistry of Science and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia2006-2010
The Development of Chemistry Curriculum for Primary and Secondary Schools. History of Chemistry Education in Serbia1852Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia2002-2005
TitleProject IDFunding sourceDuration
European Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Education Network 2526259-LLP-1-2012-1-FR-ERASMUS-ENWEU2012-2015
Staff list within the unit
NameLast nameTeaching/scientific title
Dragica TrivicAssociate professor
Biljana TomasevicAssociate researcher
Igor MatijasevicAssistant

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